The following were present:
Linda Bailey (02), Pat Bethel (98), Kim Cannon (07), Maureen Christiansen (), Jeannette Ciccia (93), Evelyn Cleghorn (92),
Dave Corkins (04), Bev Crane (14), Linda Davis (02), Julie DeLoncker (91), Val Doppke (10), Gen Dunlop (00), Pat Eugene (12),
Kim Fischer (03), Alice Georgian (13), Myrna Goldsmith (13), Doris Haack (93), Doug Haney (09),
Mo Kirchhoeffer (07), Mary Ann Laforet (09), Florence LeDuc (05), Chris Lorentz (12), Bob Lyons (94),
Nancy Lyons (99), Linda Mayer (12), Don Minor (), Dottie Mueller (98), Kathy Phillips (15), Scott Phillips (11),
Joy Riedl (94), Jackie Roth (97), Karen Sara (14), Larry Schwartz (12),
Frank Sesko (99), Saroj Shah (07),
Kathy Stephansen (09), Reinhard Taylor (05), Cassie Van Duys (03), Dick VanDuys (12), Wil Vrba (02),
Janette Wanner (08) and Barb Wertz (11)
Guests: Denis LeDuc, Mike Lorentz
Thanks to Linda Davis and Cassie VanDuys for organizing the event! |