"Our Gang" Evening
at Riccardo's Ristorante in Schaumburg
June 17, 2015

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The retired attendees included:
Linda Bailey (02), Gary Barker (02), Jerri Brzizinski(12), Terri Busch (14), Bev Crane (14), Linda Davis (02),
Val Doppke (10), Darlene Guzowski (13), Doris Haack (93), Mary Ann LaForet (09), Carol Lillie (14),
Chris Lorentz (12), Bob Lyons (99), Dottie Mueller (98), Jan Page (99), Kathy Phillips (15),
Scott Phillips (11), Rob Richards (06), Joy Riedl (), Kathy Santini (14), Karen Sara (14), Frank Sesko (99),
Chris Starzynski (03), Kathy Stephansen (09), George Stewart (03), Reinhard Taylor (05),
Cassie VanDuys (03), Dick VanDuys (12), Janette Wanner (08), Mike Wielispach (12), Jill Wood-Naatz (03)
guest attendees included:
Mike Lorentz

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Latest update 6/23/2015

Corrections etc. R. Taylor