"Our Gang" Breakfast
January 1, 2011

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The following were present:

Gary Barker (02), Pat Bethel (98), Kim Cannon (07), Dave Corkins (04), Alan Cottrell (09), Cathy Daglas (09),
Julie DeLoncker (91),
Val Doppke (10), Sandy Dowty (03), Gen Dunlop (00),
Kim Fischer (03), Bill Gourley (97),
Roger Kalesiak (07),
Claire Kopfman (09), MaryAnn Laforet (09), Florence LeDuc (05), Nancy Lyons (99),
Bob Lyons (94),
Jim Maloblocki (03), Sheryl Saddoris (08), Paula Schofield (02), Jo-Anne Sorenson (05),
George Stewart (03), Reinhard Taylor (05), Cassie VanDuys (03), Janette Wanner (08), Jill Wood-Naatz (03)

Guest: Nick Daglas

Thanks to Linda Davis and Cassie VanDuys for organizing the event!

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Latest update 1/12/2011

Corrections etc. R. Taylor