The retired attendees included:
Jeanne Arcus (91), Linda Bailey (02), Gary Barker (02), Linda Davis (02),
Angie Ferguson (99),
Bob Ferguson (99), Kim Fischer (03), Dave Fredin (90),
Doris Haack (93),
Maureen Kirchhoefer (07), Bob Lyons (95),
Bill Myers (05),
Karen Niwa (03),
Larry Niwa (05), Jan Page (99), Rob Richards (06),
Frank Sesko (99),
Jo-Anne Sorenson (05),
George Stewart (03),
Reinhard Taylor (05), Angelo Testone (04),
Cassie VanDuys (03).
The guest attendees included:
Rita Koehler, Victoria Testone,
Richard Van Duys,
Janette Wanner. |