The "Our Gang" at Santé's
September 22, 2004

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The retirees met
on September 22
in their own private room
at Sante's Restaurant.

Those attending: Gary Barker, Peggy Bayles, Pat Bethel, Dave Corkins, Linda Davis, Sandy Dowty,
Gen Dunlop, Den Ferguson, Kim Fischer, Rich Fitch, Dave Fredin, Doris Haack, Mary Harris,
Nancy Lyons, Jan Page, Jan Pawlisch, Jackie Roth, Paula Schofield, Frank Sesko, Mary Spangler,
Ray Spangler, Chris Starzynski, and Cassie Van Duys.

All retirees are welcome to join in the next event. Notification will be via email or snail mail
in January for an early February breakfast.

-- Linda Davis (photographer & organizer)

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Latest update 10/11/2006

Corrections etc. R. Taylor